Thursday, October 29, 2009

Eclipse Tips

1. To import and export WAR files. Use the default export and import function within eclipse.

2. When Eclipse has this red exclaimation mark after importing a WAR file, that means the servlet path has not been set for the project. Right click on the project > Build Path > Configure Build Path > Add External Jar > Servlet-api.jar

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Microsoft Synchronization Framework

To synchronize two database (bidirectional), you have to place the following line within the onInit function of the code portion of the .sync file. For example:

this._giftSyncTable.SyncDirection = Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SyncDirection.Bidirectional;

SQL Server Connection

Ensure that inside SQL Server configuration, under SQL Network Configuration, that TCP port settings has been set. The default port is 1433.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

ASp.NET Upload

Solution file "C:\abc\abc.sln" cannot be converted because it cannot be modified. To convert the solution, change the permissions on the solution file to allow modification and reopen it".

- Make sure that the solution file is not read-only.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Uploading file to salt folder

I was trying to create a folder within and got an error:
Access to the path 'C:\inetpub\Dream\creatives\20091023_1406\' is denied.

Basically I was trying to upload files into the newly created directory 20091023.. so to fix this, open up web.config, beneath the tag, add the following tag:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ink Errors

1. If you run into errors about IACore, look into the bin folder of the application folder and make sure the relevant libraries are inside there. This is true for both development and deployment environment
C:\Users\awtan\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SilverlightInkServicesCSharp\bin

2. The architecture for pen input of salon is as follows:
a. Salon main program (which resides on gbeacon) contains an ink folder that holds the clientbin output of the MSDNMagAnnotationClient program. Hence when we call inkinput.aspx it actually calls the silverlight application from the MSDNMagAnnotationClient program.

b. As we submit the request from MSDNMagAnnotationClient (silverlight ink program), we will send a request to pragma which contains the SilverlightInkServicesCSharp WPF service. The service translates the strokes and outputs the text information.

c. The text then gets display in the MSDNMagAnnotationClient textfield. Through javascript, it communicates with the flex textfield.