Sunday, January 31, 2010

Child and Parent FLEX

Accessing the parent functions is not as simple as always, I did try using DisplayObject but it didn't work as i thought. The best way really is to rethink the relationship between the child and parent. Normally, if the function exist with the parent as opposed to residing on the child, the function can be as simple as just:

private function changePot(event:MouseEvent):void {
this.parentApplication.changePot((event.currentTarget as Image).name);

Of course the parent application needs to have a function call changePot. Thats it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Configuring PHP on Windows

If you are getting 500 errors but everything else in PHP runs normally (in IIS 7), then chances are Session is not working. You can verify this by just having a script that runs session_start().

Two things to fix:
1. session.save_path, session.use_cookes and session.start has to be set too
2. warnings: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE