Thursday, April 29, 2010

PHP scrapping for .net

* ASP.NET web site scraping script;
* Developed by
* Copyright 2009 All rights reserved.
* The use of this script is governed by the CodeProject Open License
* See the following link for full details on use and restrictions.
* The above copyright notice must be included in any reproductions of this script.

* values used throughout the script
// urls to call - the login page and the secured page
$urlLogin = "";
$urlSecuredPage = "";

// POST names and values to support login
//$nameUsername='txtusername'; // the name of the username textbox on the login form
//$namePassword='txtpassword'; // the name of the password textbox on the login form
//$nameLoginBtn='btnlogin'; // the name of the login button (submit) on the login form
//$valUsername ='myUsername'; // the value to submit for the username
//$valPassword ='myPassword'; // the value to submit for the password
//$valLoginBtn ='Login'; // the text value of the login button itself

$valuePair = array(
'txtDeparture' => '4628 Henry Street',
'radDeparture' => 'I',
'txtArrival' => 'Airport Pittsburgh International',
'radArrival' => 'I',
'ddlArrDep' => 'D',
'ddlHours' => '7',
'ddlMinutes' => '55',
'ddlAmPm' => 'PM',
'Calendar1_txtCalendar' => '4/29/2010',
'ddlTripPreference' => 'I',
'lblWalkDist' => '.25',
'ddlNumItins' => '1',
'hdnTripDate' => '4/29/2010',
'lblHiddenSearchType' => '',
'lblHiddenSearch' => '',
'txtHiddenLocationIndex' => '',
'txtHiddenArrivalIndex' => '',
'txtHiddenDepartureIndex' => '',
'btnSubmit' => 'Submit',
'__EVENTTARGET' => '',

// the path to a file we can read/write; this will
// store cookies we need for accessing secured pages
$cookies = 'someReadableWritableFileLocation\cookie.txt';

// regular expressions to parse out the special ASP.NET
$regexViewstate = '/__VIEWSTATE\" value=\"(.*)\"/i';
$regexEventVal = '/__EVENTVALIDATION\" value=\"(.*)\"/i';

* utility function: regexExtract
* use the given regular expression to extract
* a value from the given text; $regs will
* be set to an array of all group values
* (assuming a match) and the nthValue item
* from the array is returned as a string
function regexExtract($text, $regex, $regs, $nthValue)
if (preg_match($regex, $text, $regs)) {
$result = $regs[$nthValue];
else {
$result = "";
return $result;

* initialize a curl handle; we'll use this
* handle throughout the script
$ch = curl_init();

* first, issue a GET call to the ASP.NET login
* page. This is necessary to retrieve the
* that the server issues
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $urlLogin);

// from the returned html, parse out the __VIEWSTATE and
$viewstate = regexExtract($data,$regexViewstate,$regs,1);
$eventval = regexExtract($data, $regexEventVal,$regs,1);

* now issue a second call to the Login page;
* this time, it will be a POST; we'll send back
* as post data the __VIEWSTATE and __EVENTVALIDATION
* values the server previously sent us, as well as the
* username/password. We'll also set up a cookie
* jar to retrieve the authentication cookie that
* the server will generate and send us upon login.
$postData = '__VIEWSTATE='.rawurlencode($viewstate)

foreach ($valuePair as $key => $value) {
$postData = $postData . '&'. $key.'='.$value;


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $urlLogin);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookieFile);

$data = curl_exec($ch);

* with the authentication cookie in the jar,
* we'll now issue a GET to the secured page;
* we set curl's COOKIEFILE option to the same
* file we used for the jar before to ensure the
* authentication cookie is sent back to the
* server
//curl_setOpt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, FALSE);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $urlSecuredPage);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookieFile);

//$data = curl_exec($ch);

// at this point the secured page may be parsed for
// values, or additional POSTS made to submit parameters
// and retrieve data. For this sample, we'll just
// echo the results.
echo $data;

* that's it! Close the curl handle


Thursday, April 22, 2010

QuertyString and Includes PHP

instead of

The main reason being $navi will be an instance variable of file

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Flex Combobox

xmlSalons = XML(this.loadSalons.lastResult);
var xSalons:XMLList =;

// add default for nothing
salons.push({data:"-1",label:"I will select a salon later."});

for each (var xSalon:XML in xSalons)
// for future usage to push salon object (for management) i.e. create/delete
//salons.push(new Salon(xSalon.salonId, xSalon.userId, xSalon.type,, xSalon.description));

ddlSalons.dataProvider = salons;
ddlSalons.labelField = "label"; = "data";
ddlSalons.selectedIndex = 0;

var obj:Object = ddlSalons.selectedItem;
obj["salon"] = obj["data"];

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bluetooth research

1. Problems getting bluetooth drivers to work on Vista.
-> Uninstall drivers and reinstall it, else try manually replacing the drivers. Lookout for the bluetooth icon on the bottom right on the taskbar instead of within control panel.

2. Motorolla offers WIDCOM stack.