Saturday, November 1, 2008

Javascript Popup with Custom Controls in GridView ASP.NET

Prior to the earlier posting which describes how to use a custom control, the following codes describe how to use a custom control to launch a javascript function. In this case, to start a popup window by clicking on a link from the gridview table.

The codes are as follows:
<asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.class_id", "\"classstudents.aspx?id={0}\",\"mywindow\",\"menubar=1,resizable=1,width=400,height=500\");") %>' Text="Manage" runat="server" Target="myBuffer"></asp:HyperLink>

The steps as usual are:
1. Create the objectdatasource
2. Creat the grdiview
3. Bind the objectdatasource to the gridview
4. Insert a TemplateColumn (when you select the grid and click edit column)
5. The templatecolumn should contain something liek the code above.
6. Done!

Take note that for javascript to work, it should be contained with a single quote. And if you need to display the quotes in javascript within, the escape character for C# is a backslash /

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