Sunday, April 12, 2009

Flex getting objects that are created

Things to note:
1. When we create an object, they belong to a particular container, so when we access it we need to make sure that the accessor is going in order of it. Say for example, I have a button inside the RichTextArea object, I need to do this in order to access it:
this.richtextarea.textarea.button and not just simply this.richtextarea.button

2. We can access objects created on screen in two ways.
a. When we add the objects we created via an array. e.g.
public var imgArray:Array = new Array(); // this is declared at the top of the page
for (var count:int =0; count <>
var myImage:Image = new Image();
myImage.x = 10;
myImage.y = 10;
myImage.source = "whatever.jpg";

b. When we add a name to the object and obtain the current Event Source of it e.g.
public function init():void {
var myImage:Image = new Image();
myImage.x = 10;
myImage.y = 10;
myImage.source = "whatever.jpg"; = "whatever";
myImage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getEventName);

public function getEventName(event:Event):void {
var myObject:Image = event.currentTarget as Image;
// if you want to get the image Name, we can do it like this:
// var myObjName:String = (event.currentTarget as Image).name;

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